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Improve Your Telephonic Etiquette

Hi, Every day we make so many phone calls or we receive a lot of calls and we talk over it. The conversation goes on and we are okay with that. So we find it very easy. Because once it comes to your personal relation you know very well that how to deal with it. What kind of relation you are carrying and what kind of conversation we have to make with them. So it is very easy for you. But when it is about making a phone call. When it is about maintaining a formal relationship over the phone so I think it seems a bit difficult. For you maybe not because you must have not mention it earlier that what point should you carry in your mind once you talking over the phone in a formal manner. So here I have put some points that is meant to be keep in an important segment when we talk over the phone without formal etiquette. So we will go and have a look about it.

Starting Well Is Half The Challenge

First one is 'Starting well is half the challenge.' Once there is a phone call and you begin. So the initial three seconds is actually going to create your impression on the other side Alright! It means how do you start a phone call? Be fluent and clear with your greeting and allow the other person or give the opportunity to another person greeting himself or herself sooner over the phone. When it happens on the same level so the rest of the conversation goes on the floor easily. And when the beginning is good definitely the whole conversation is going to be very smooth. So how do you start the phone calls actually matters that what the further communication is going to be. Alright!

Your Most Important Instrument Your Voice

Next what I think is very important is 'Your most important instrument your voice.'  The person on the other side cannot see you Alright! He cannot see your body gestures or your body postures or your body language. All what matter is your voice that how do you speak. So using the correct tone over the phone is important. Don't be very slow. Don't be very fast. Fast in terms of your sound and fast in terms of your speed. Alright! The speech should be in a restrictive manner and should be in that manner as the word falls in others ear. So it should be very much clear. Mean use the clean words and right pronunciation of the words as the approach of your communication should be very much clear to the listener. So voice plays a vital role and important role once you speak over the phone. Because it is all about creating your image before the person who is on the other side of the phone call.

Level A Formality

Next one what I find very important is 'Level a formality.' As I said that you are having a formal phone call Alright! So what kind of level you have to maintain. What kind of level of formality you have to maintain with that person. If you are being very much formal so you are making that person very much uncomfortable Alright! It means suppose there is a phone call and the person is similar to you or you are regarding that person by calling 'sir'. In a phone call, you have use this regard: 'sir', 'okay sir', 'fine sir', 'alright sir'. So sometimes it seems very irritating. Alright! It is not very good in audible. So the main thing are the right level of formality is very important. When it is very much access it is uncomfortable. And when there is no level of formality it seems like very much casual. and sometimes it seems that you are rude too. So being neutral. Alright! Don't be over formal. Don't be very much casual when you are talking over the phone.

Avoid Forbidden Phrases: I Don't Know, I Can't Do, You Have To Do.

Next one what I found, 'Avoid forbidden phrases.' When you have to deny for any kind of task or any object you have been said to do. So giving the straight statement. Alright! like the statements: 'I don't know', I can't do', 'You have to do.' Alright! Avoid such kind of phrases. Instead of saying 'I don't know' you can say ' I am not aware about it sir.' Or 'This matter is not known to me.' It seems more formal or you need to say 'I can't do that.' Or ' Sir I am not able to do that.', 'Mam I am not able to do that.' So again it seems more formal. These all statements seems very much rude and straight. Like you have thrown the sentences. Once you have to say 'You have to do it, sir.' Alright! In your office, you got a phone call and you are requested to do something on the behalf of the client. And it is not your job. So you have to deny that 'I can not do this task.' what you are saying to the customer Alright! We have called you up. So 'You have to do this.' It seems very rude. Instead of this you can say ' Sir can you do this favour, It's not my part.' So avoid using all these forbidden phrases. It seems very informal and rude too.

Listen Activity

Coming to next important tool that is 'Listen activity.' Pay attention what the caller is speaking. If you are paying a proper attention towards the caller or towards the speaker whom you are speaking with. To you, it seems like you are a very good listener and you will not ask the question him again and again. So paying proper attention towards the caller is very much important.

Be Brief With Your Message

The last one don't forget you are over a phone. Alright! It is a phone call you are maintaining. You are communicating with someone that it is a phone call. So be brief, be short, be concise with your matter. Be concise with your messages. Don't make it too long. Be brief with your messages. It will show that yes you are focused to deliver your messages what you want to.

In this manner please follow all these telephone etiquettes. And be a good speaker once you talk in a formal manner.😊   


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