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Wanna be a English speaker: Remove the barriers

Hi Friends, You have been learning English for so long. You have lot of English stuff in your mind in your book and in your self. But still, you find yourself that you are not sufficient enough to speak fluent English. You are not able to achieve your goal or your target that you have already set. So I guess definitely there are few barriers you have made before you. And you are not able to remove these barriers. What barriers can be considered that exactly it is happening which is why I'm not able to creak the nut. I guess there are thoughts I have in mind that I can introduce you. And after reading all such stuff you may try to remove all these barriers and you may become a good speaker or good communicator in English language. 

First One: Learning Alone

I guess you are learning Alone. Having lots of English stuff in your bag or in your mind is a really good manner. And you are practising your English. That is also very much appreciable. But what happening you have no one around you to speak or you have no one to get a feedback that what you spoke was right or not. Alright! And suppose if you are practising before the mirror that is also very much appreciated. You are doing a very good job. You are speaking and you are listening to yourself that is also appreciated. But suppose suddenly you got a chance to speak among the people or you got an opportunity to speak in public. So It makes you to become a hesitative person. There is a hesitation in you nature because you have never spoken before anyone. Or you have never communicated with anyone. So learning alone is not the right ingredient to learn your English. Get someone along with you. Ask your native speaker to join you. Or ask any of your friend who is very much good in English to join you to speak with. You will commit few mistakes and even definitely correct you. So don't do this.

Second One: Lack Of Commitment 

Now what I found definitely there is a lack of commitment in learning English. When you thought that I should learn English. What you did you decided to learn English. Alright! But taking a decision is not sufficient. There should be a commitment. If you are committed it means that you are forcing yourself. You are very much constant with your learning lessons. Alright! You are very much regular with your lessons. If there is only a decision so will buy a book or will get your admission somewhere. Or definitely, you will ask somewhere to help you in speaking English. But if there is a commitment. Definitely, there will be a regular practice of achieving the goal of speaking English. So lack of commitment is also there which is why you are not able to creak the nut. 

Third One: More Dependent On Grammer 

Next one more dependent on grammar. I'm really happy if you are doing good in Grammer. If you have understood all the rules of English Grammer. But language is an effortless tool. If you need to speak your native language. How much do you plan? Or How much do you create a strategy in your mind to speak a sentence within a native language? Suppose your native language is Hindi. So do you exactly put an effort to speak a sentence, No! So it's really good that you have learn a lot of stuff in your grammar. Grammer has informed you about the rules of the language. But just because you are surrounded only with the grammar to speak a language. what you have doing you are busy in translating in your mind. Alright! You are putting an effort and this effort may lead you to a non-speaker or non-communicator. So depending very much on grammar is not the correct ingredient. Initially, probably you may commit few mistakes in terms of grammar. Don't worry avoid it. Try to be a speaker. Try to be fluent with the language. Don't go only for the translation and the grammar. So avoid this one also.

Fourth One: Relying Only On Your School

Now Relying only on your school. When you decided or when you committed to yourself that you are going to learn English. What you did? First step, you'll find a very nice school and you take admission in the English speaking school. And you thought that there is something going to happen a miracle overnight. Sixty hours course are there. And definitely after attending those sixty hours you will become perfect. You'll become a good English communicator. How can you think this because it's you who have to do all this. Suppose if you buy something for your house. Suppose you buy a microwave in your kitchen or you buy a music system. Alright! So what you do you use that. You practice every day to cook food in the microwave. Or you use your music system every day putting the CD on it that what kind of function are there in that music system. So if you are buying knowledge from a school. Why don't you practice that every day with your routine? Without your practice, there is nothing going to happen. You are very much relying only on your school. Only those particular hours are not going to help you. You have to have practice. You have to have make a commitment with you that whatever I am receiving all learning with my trainer in my English school or with my trainer. I need to practice it at my phone at my own. So please don't do it at the extent. Alright! 

Fifth One: Trying To Be Perfect  

Last one trying to be perfect. Don't put yourself in a force speech. Alright! Learning a lot of context in English, a lot of vocab in English. Now you are thinking that I can speak suppose one page if there in English without watching at it fluently. And it may be due to few mistakes your mind and tongue is not very much prepare at once. So don't try to be perfect. Commit a mistake. Be slow. Initially when you will be slow, gradually you will see a difference that it from the initial stage you have improve a lot. Thinking that overnight you will start speaking a fluent English is not possible. Alright! So in initial stage when you will practice with a small sentences or with a good vocab in English definitely you are going to do good further. 

So please try to remove all these barriers from your mind and then put again a beautiful effort. I definitely hope that you will do very good for English communication. Best Of Luck!😊


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