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Introduction Phrases

Hi Friends, In this article, we will learn introducing yourself or introducing ourself Or introducing another person along with you. When we meet with someone at the very first time. What we do? We start our conversation by introducing ourselves. That is a very beginning sentence of your conversation. So if you are very much clear with the first sentence of your conversation, this may lead to you a very fluent communication. And this may show that you are confident with your context when you are speaking. And if you are not so this may lead to an unconfident person and unsure person. So there are few particular phrases in English that is considered to introduce yourself and to introduced others. Let have a look and practice. Alright! When meet with someone so we introduce ourself Or you introduce yourself. 

Introducing Yourself 

' Hi/Hello ' - ' Let Me Introduce Myself '

The very regular first initial Sentences: "Hi I am Minakshi" Or "Hello my name is Minakshi" Or "I am Minakshi." The introduction is over. Now in a group or along with your friend, you have gone somewhere and the communication is on among the people. So nobody talked to you very much Alright! And you are standing somewhere. So you are asking for the permission. That shows a humble in your personality. And What you say? You say "Let me introduce myself." That too with a smile on your face. What you say, 'Let me introduce myself.' Alright! It means you are asking for a permission. And you are showing that you are quite humble and quite polite with your conversation. 

' Allow Me To Introduce Myself ' - ' By The Way I am '

Now the next way introducing yourself is, "Allow me to introduce myself." Your friend next to you is trying to introduce you with rest of the people. So again with a smile on your face, you have become a bit mimic with such sentence. And you are saying, "Allow me to introduce myself." And then you have given your name and further information. Alright! Suppose if you met with someone. And the communication went on without introducing yourself. So in between, you realize that you forgot to give the information about your name. What did you say in between of the conversation, "By the way I am Minakshi." Alright! Because initially, you did not inform your name. You did not introduce yourself. So what did you do?  During the conversation, you say, "By the way I am Minakshi."

' Nice/Please To Meet You I Am ' - ' I Hope You Recognize Me '

Alright! Someone has introduced herself or himself first before you. So in reply what do we say? Then it is your turn to introduce yourself. So you say, "Nice to meet you I am Minakshi." Or "Please to meet you I am Minakshi." Alright! You meet with someone first time Alright! And At a glance what happens that you recognize that person. You already know that person whom you met. But the person forgot your name. And probably he must have seen you. Probably he must have remembered the meeting between both of you. But he forgot your name. And he is trying to remember your name or recall your name. So the conversation is going on. So what you say about you? You say, "I hope you recognize me. My name is Minakshi." And in this way, you introduce or you re-introduce yourself with the same person.

Introducing Others

In a group or with an individual person you went with your friends. And what you trying? The next person comes with you. You are trying to introduce that person with the rest of the people. What phrases do you actually use? Which is an appropriate manner to introduce? 

' I Would Like You To Meet My Friend. ' 

First one, "I would like you to meet my friend James." This is the first and beautiful phrase to introduce your friend. 

'Allow Me To Introduce My Friend.'

Next one is, "Allow me to introduce my friend." The conversation is going on among the people. And you are saying, "Allow me to introduce my friend James." 

' Meet My Friend ' - ' Well This Is My Friend. '

Next is very casual, "Meet my friend James." Coming the next. The conversation is very much into the deep. And you just got through that I forgot to introduce my friend. And at a glance, you say that, "Well this is my friend James." 

' James Please Meet Mr. ' - ' Have You Met James '

Now, what you are doing? James is your friend. Alright! And to James, you are introducing another friend. So you are addressing by name. Because here the person must be carrying a good recognition. Or something like a good valuation. So you have become a bit formal in your communication introducing that person. "James please meet Mr XYZ." Alright! Here the communication is a bit formal. - Now here what happened that you went with your friend to a party. Alright! And your friend is not very much familiar about the atmosphere and about the people of that party. You lost somewhere in making conversation with rest of your already known friends. And your friend keen along with you is standing somewhere. And what happened actually you just reminded that O My God! I forgot to introduce myself with rest of the people where I have come. So What you do? You just take your friend. Go among the people and you say, "Have you met Mr James." In this way, you introduce your friend among the people. 

' Leela This Is James. James This Is Leela. ' 

Now the last section introducing your friend by using the name of each other. "Leela this is James. James this is Leela." Here you are using the name of both of the person. You are introducing with each other. 

So in such ways next time when you introduce yourself or introduce your friends. Do use these phrases. It is must going to leave you towards the fluent conversation.😊


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