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Build Your Vocabulary

Friends, We are going to learn that how can we improve over vocabulary. Alright! I would like to ask you one thing that once we are going to learn English and we are in the beginning stage. So what we need all to speak good English? We need so many beautiful sentences to speak. But before sentences, it is all about having lots of words in our bag that will be helpful to construct the sentences. So the initial stage is planing a good English. Having lots of words in your mind Alright! Which is your natural dictionary that you carry every time. So here I will introduce you with few remedies because definitely learning vocab learning words is a problem itself that we consider. So that's why I will introduce you with few remedies that are going to definitely help you out in this problem.

Use The Practical Words

                              So first thing or first method that I want you to let you know that is, use the practical words. Means relate yourself with those things that are used in your daily routine life. Since Morning when you get up what you see around you? What you notice that? That is suppose if you are getting up or you are leaving your bed, so you need your sleeper to wear Alright! You are just doing the beds and all you are just putting the bedsheet somewhere. So you are doing bedding. You are just wrapping up your bedsheet. You are watching at watch or clock. Then you are trying to find your toothbrush. So these kind of small words which are very basic and unnatural and you frequently use. Try to speak those words in English, not in your native language. So it will naturally give a push to your tongue to speak the words of English in itself very quickly and fastly.

Find The Synonyms Of The Same Word

                    Second comes which is also very essential try to find out or learn the synonyms of the same word. How? Suppose if I am trying to know about something. I am very keen to know something Alright! 'keen' is a word. The same word can be said and express in a different way or different manners. I am very 'eager' to know about this. I am very 'curious' to know about this. I am very 'anxious' to know about this. So once I have an intention to know about something. I have discovered or learn a word 'Keen' and I found out more siblings of the same word. So naturally, my vocab has been multiplied in a different manner. So this is how I'm helping myself to improve my vocab more. And I am adding more words in my dictionary of my mind Alright!

Use It Frequently And Immediately

The third thing which I want to introduce you uses it frequently and immediately. Alright! I am not telling you to force yourself to pick a word from the dictionary or to read a heavy novel or just go for such kind of words that is improving your vocab. Suppose in your office there is your native speaker who speaks good English or there are a lot of people around you. They must be using good words which is very natural and frequent. Those words are used on a regular basis. So you have word a word today excellent. If you have been encountered with the word disgusting. Which is a bad word. But definitely, we face bad situation also in our life. So each word for in your ear. Try to implement all those words according to its situation. For Instance, 'Hey! It was wonderful. Hey! It was Excellent.' You are praising someone by saying these words. Because once you are listening to those words from the mouth of someone. You definitely adopt that yes the right situation of speaking this word is this. So in this manner, once you listen any word immediate speak it according to its situation. Alright! That will also help your mind to improve your vocab. Because the mind is a very good machine. You need not to put a lot of effort. Only the practice and implementation of any task will help you actually do that in word on a regular basis.


Word Of The Day

The last one which I have in my list is word of the day. Here actually I am just suggesting to you that you should put some effort. In all three methods, I haven't that you need to force yourself to learn something. But this is the place where you actually need to put a bit of effort and brought some time for yourself. What is that just assume there are seven days in a week. You are picking a single word in a day. Suppose I have picked a word sabbatical. Big One! But just to improve my vocab in a good manner. You know I just want to master myself in a huge vocab and have a vocab. So I put a word sabbatical. Which means a big gap. So I noted down somewhere. It may be my notebook. It may be my mind. And again I'm practising that word. So word of the day. Keep this method running on with your practice on a daily basis. Seven days seven words. Thirty days thirty words. Three Sixty Five days and imagine a huge collection. So in this way, you can help yourself improve your vocab in a very easy way and two exercises I just want to introduce you if you are really willing to improve your vocab.

So the first exercise I want to let you know that fix a place on your notebook takes out a few pages. I'm not telling you to tear out a few pages. I'm just telling that fix three or four pages on your notebook. Start writing down three four five words. Whatever words are running in your mind. And once you start writing whatever words occur at that place at the same time, just mention those words on your notebook. Every day do this every day. You will see that after a few days there will be so many words on your notebook and you will be actually surprised to know that O My God! I was already knowing such a lot of words.

The second exercise is that sit on a place take a pen and a paper and just set your clock for five minutes Alright! And focus that in five minutes how many words can I write with a rapid speed. And once five minutes is over just count these words. Definitely, you will see a huge improvement in just improving your vocab. Because every day you are listening to lots of things Alright! What you are not doing only the implementation of those words. So once you are following all these things definitely I'm telling you I'm sure that you are going to rock in terms of speaking good English word on a daily basis. So best of luck!


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