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Daily Use Phrases

Hi, In this post I am going to make you learn a few proverbs which are very useful for your daily conversation or daily English conversation. Because it somewhere relates to the few situations of your life. And if you give its reference or speak it out so you seem smarter. Alright! So here I introduce you with:

The First One: A Hungry Belly Has No Ears

Here I would like to mention that A 'Belly' means 'Stomach'.
Suppose if I am hungry. I need to eat something. So I cannot pay the attention towards any job or any work. For Example, "I am starving and you are asking me to do your work or you are asking me to come out with you". Or "I am very much hungry I forgot my lunch at my home and my boss has assigned me a big huge job. I am really sorry if I'm starving or if I'm hungry so cannot speak louder. My voice would not be clear to you." So that's why this proverb means a lot.

The Second One: Action Speaks Louder Than Words

Now, coming to the next one. Suppose you are coming to me and saying to me that, "I am studying so hard. I am putting all my efforts to learn English. See how many books I have collected. Every day I'm paying many hours over it but still, I'm not successful in speaking good English." So I really sorry but you are only presenting the good words it's not your action you are doing if you would have done it definitely it would have been shown. Alright! 
So if you are acting in a proper manner in that area of learning English so definitely, it will seem. So action speaks louder than words. Speak less and act more definitely you are going to be successful. It's a kind of suggestion also Alright!

The Third One: Better Flatter A Fool Than Fight Him

                                                                                                           Better flatter a fool than fight him. what does the proverb means is in every kind of place or in every group there is one person who speaks a lot or I would like to say I'm really sorry for such person but they speak so much rubbish or they mention about something which is not very much senseful. So what do you do? Do you invest your time and mind in correcting them? Or you do every time you just keep your mind engage that why she or he speaks in such a manner? Don't do it because it's better to flatter them. It's better to wear a smile and let it be. It's not going to affect you very much because it's just west your precious time. So better flatter a fool than fight him. Hear it once.

The Fourth One: Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

                                                                                                                                                                           Don't judge a person by its cover. What does it mean?  All the good human being out there it's a  very nice suggestion for you. Do you go to buy a book and what you do you just look at its cover picture and you decide that yes the picture is very beautiful and I'm going to buy it? No, you don't do it you just open it a bit look its content. Read one or two pages or you go through a few pages or you just see the heading of the chapter. And then you buy it. Not only focus on its cover picture. So this is what you have to do in your real life also. If you meet someone and the person is not looking good by his or her appearance, not wearing good clothes or good jewellery or his skin colour is not very much appealing. How can you judge him that the person is not good by heart too? So if you are judging that person by only his or her appearance, dressing sense and all and beauty and all. So it's wrong. Don't do it. Because you are judging a book by its cover. Don't do it. Alright!

The Fifth One: Great Minds Think Alike

Next one is, great minds think alike. What does it mean? It means that all the great people in the world have somewhere similar thoughts run in their mind that's why they all are successful. They all are very successful. I will give you a situation where you can speak such kind of proverb. Suppose there is a group of friends Alright! And all of them trying to go for a movie bunking their class 😉 but they cannot get permission from their parents. So two of them have just discovered an idea to ask for permission to go out for a movie. And just guess what happened both were having the same idea. So there you can say great minds think alike Alright! this is how its work.

The Sixth One: Loose Lips Sink Ships 

Now the last one is loose lips sink ships. What does it mean? If you cannot control over your conversation. If you are over-talkative. You speak so much so sometimes you reveal those information which are not made to reveal. It means you cannot keep your secrets inside. It is wrong. Because if you are loose with your lips you are definitely going to sink the ship. It means you are going to harm yourself. Suppose you are walking in any organisation in a sales team. And you have the quotation. The price quotation for the product that you are selling in the company. But you just talking to before someone else and that other person is also walking in the same competitive field. And you because of your speaking too much habit what you did you just reveal the price of the product. And other company got your quotation and he sold his own product in a better manner. So here speaking so much losing your lips is creating big harm for you. So don't do it. Because if the lips are very loose definitely the ship is going to sink. So this is how the proverb matter in your life if we get its reference related to the real situation in our life. So do practice it. Good luck!😊


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