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How To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking

Hi, Here we are going to discuss how can we deal with public speaking anxiety. When we say public speaking it means that you have to speak for the people, among the people and before the people. Now you are having people around you. And you just get scared that whether I'll be successful in speaking the right thing in the right manner or not. And this feeling increases your anxiety level to higher and higher. So here I am going to provide you with few tips that will definitely help you out in lowing down your anxiety level of public speaking.

The First One: Memories Your First Three Lines!

Memories your first three lines! In your speech, it     
is essential that the first three lines of the speech should be fixed in your mind. If you are going to give a presentation in your office and you are starting with, "Its a wonderful opportunity I have received to give my presentation before you. And I will try to explain each of my points in an accessible manner. And definitely, I am looking for your approval towards it." So the first three lines are fixed and memorized by you Alright! So it is giving you a clean and smooth platform that you could go ahead on your speech so this one is very important.

The Second One: Don't Fight The Fear

Don't Fight The Fear. What does it mean? Public
speaking anxiety is a big fear you are having. So I'm telling you that this fear is quite expected one in this segment. If you have this one fear its ok Alright! So you can speak to yourself that," I'm having the worst feeling right now but I can't help it. This feeling is not going to kill me. I have to deal with it or this feeling is come and go with the passage of time. I have no control over this feeling. It's Okay I'm going through this." So in this manner, you and your fear both will be here. you cannot run away from it. More you will try to separate with your fear more the level of fear will be increasing Alright! So let it be. Better you focus on the other things. So don't fight with the fear.

The Third One: What Scares You

Figure out what scares you. Yes, exactly what is scaring you when it comes to the public speaking? Are you scared that I am not able to finish my speech on time? I run off the time. Or I forget all the content when it will be public speaking. Or suppose I'll pronounce the wrong words I'll create wrong sentences. Or the audience is going to hate me if I perform badly. So once you are able to find out the real problem Alright! then only you can work in a right direction. Once it is your preparation time for your speech. So do find out that what is exactly scaring you for the right preparation.

The Fourth One: Pressure To Succeed!

Now, the next one is pressure on yourself to succeed. You have put a lot of pressure on your mind that I have to be successful once it is about to performing among the people.
First thing I want to introduce to you that it is not only about yourself it is about the audience as well. They are quite interesting that what you are going to introduce them as you are as your speech. What content are you providing them which they don't know already? So it would be better if you put your focus more on the content of your speech what you have to introduce them rather then yourself. Don't pressure yourself Alright!
The second thing that just creates pressure on your mind that I have to be perfect. I can't commit a mistake. Come on, we all are human being. If we commit a mistake sometimes it's okay! We cannot run from it.
And The third thing what you have created a lot about you that everybody in the audience has to approve you that what you are saying is correct. Then I'm sorry there will be definitely few people around you who may criticize you its a natural thing! So once you have created a buzz around you that I have to be perfect in this manner. And I deliver the best one best one like nobody has done. It means you have created an invisible pressure on your mind. So don't do this Alright!

The Fifth One: Positive Self Talk And Visualization!

 Instead of thinking about all these negative parts of the public speaking you just visualize that how beautifully you have performed or you are going to perform or how beautifully you have been appreciated by the people Alright! Once you go through such feelings definitely the level of anxiety will run away from your heart. So do all follow all these tips once you are going to perform among the people for the public Alright! You will definitely do better next time.


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