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How To Speak English Fluently And Confidently

Friends, have you ever tried to figure it out that if you are good at reading, writing and listening English. Well, so why can't you speak English fluently and confidently?
     Yes! I will reveal you the reason. Because once you read-write or listen to, everything happens between two people. Both are you. It's only you know what you are exactly doing. But once it's come to speaking the English language. There are more witnesses who are noticing what you exactly do; If you are using the correct pronunciation, If the sentence is right, If you are good at it etc.
     So you just try to be fluent with your language. Once you are not able to succeed in this area. What you do; you just commit a few mistakes. So before I go very much on the floor. I want to introduce to you that what the 'fluency' exactly means? What you understand that 'Fluent English' means?             
     Suppose if I am speaking in a rapid manner that, "I will get up very early in the morning tomorrow because I have to rush to my college, I'll take my bath early, probably I'll miss my bath, probably I'll miss my breakfast, probably at 10:30 in the morning I reach the college on time." Do you think that this is the fluency in English means? No, For your kind information fluency doesn't mean that you are speaking the English language in a rapid manner and with a high speed or in zeal or enthusiastic voice. No, once it comes to the fluency, It should be connected with each other sentences, pronunciation should be clear and the message should be conveyed to the listener what you have in your mind. This is what the 'fluency' is meant.
     If you are working at a professional place and you need to deliver a speech as a presentation so you can say, "I am quite delighted that I have got an opportunity to speak before you people in my speech I will try to convey the whole information to all of you and during the whole speech if you find any trouble or any query you can ask me at the end of the session." Here the speed of the speech can be slow but should be clear to listeners. It was not in a rapid manner. So fluency means clean convey it and clear conversation nothing much.

                          Think In English

The first method to be fluent in English is thinking in English. This one is carrying four-part and you have to follow one by one each:

The First One: Think Individual English Words

Since you get up early in the morning and you sleep by night there are lots of objects you see around you. Here I am telling the objects it means the single thing. It may be your toothbrush, your towel, then your bed sheet, then watch,  then breakfast, newspaper, table, chair, then bass, then reaching to your college or your office; then there is your work station, then what you kept there on your workstation: flower bass, your folder, the cabin of your boss etc. Every object you see and observe relate that in English word in your mind.

The Second One: Think About Simple Easy Small Sentences

Next segment comes that is thinking about simple and easy small sentences. Doesn't matter that these sentences relate to whom or which thing. For Instance, If you walking over the road and you are watching someone she is beautiful, she is taller, he is walking in the right manner, someone is standing on the road or she is crossing the road, Anything! think all the situation every day you are watching around you in simple small sentences. Doesn't matter if the structure is very lighted one. It is not very havier. It is not carrying a huge vocab. At least you are maintaining a habit thinking in English because you never know which day or what day your tongue will be pronouncing and delivering that kind of content in English. Because you have developed a habit of thinking every day in the same manner.

The Third One: Think About The Functional English

Now, the third thing comes that think about functional English. It means you are thinking about the English related to your real life. What you do or perform. For Example, I get up early in the morning, I brush my teeth, I take my bath then I have my breakfast, I leave at 10:30, I reach my office then I start working at by 11 o'clock etc. It's all about how you function and how you perform. Every sentence is simple and small and every day you are thinking about that whatever you do. So think about this functional English.

                The Fourth One: Tell A Story

The fourth Segment comes that here you need to tell a story. It means that whatever has happened around you. For Instance, last night on the dining table what discussion you had with your family people you need to inform about that discussion to your friends in the collage. So what you are doing you are just preparing a speech in your mind you are thinking you are talking to yourself. That yes this kind of conversation happened to me and I just ask to my friends or parents or whatever. They had told me this and I will deliver this to my college friends. This kind of process will help you out thinking the whole content in a paragraph and you will be delivering it once it comes to the speaking English
So once the four processes are over you will be able to speak fluent English. It means clear and quite nice pronunciation you will be having as its words. But it is also essential that you have to be consistent and regular with these methods. Don't skip it Alright. Don't break the chain of practising with this method then only it is going to help you out.
So today I have picked the word breakfast: "I just had my breakfast. It seems very delicious. I will inform my friends how delicious breakfast my mother prepares and tomorrow she has promised me that she is going to prepare a nice yummy porit." This is how the journey happened from a word to a story. So in this way you need to practice your language.

Talking To The Children

Now, one more method I need to introduce you and that is talking to the children. Each of you must be having your or any children around you. If you are a beginner at the English speaking and you had having children around you and they are quite good at their basic English speaking. Do speak with them because they are not going to pinch you out about the mistakes you commit or they are not going to let you down if you do something wrong Alright.
It is going to increase your confidence and definitely, you will be improving your English language in a better manner day by day. So do follow all these things and you will be improving.


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