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Pronunciation of S/SH

Hi, Friends Today we will learn something about the pronunciation. About something we speak, but sometimes we speak wrong. It's 'स'- 'S' in English but 'स' in Hindi and 'SH' in English but 'श' in Hindi. Suppose anybody is having the name 'Mrs Shrma (शर्मा)' and you are calling her 'Miss Srma (सर्मा)'. Awkward right! Or For Example, she is 'Mrs Singh (सिंह)' and you are calling 'Mrs Shing (शिंग)'. Too Ocward! We commit mistakes. So many people I have seen that they commit mistake pronouncing 'S as SH' and pronouncing 'SH as S'. ( गलती करते है 'स को श' बोलने में और 'श को स' बोलने मे। ) Few words are given here we will practice and we will try. I'll help you out to try that what position of your tongue and mouth should be there that you'll be able to pronounce the word correctly Alright! That it sounds correct way.

  Let's try!     'SEA' and 'SHE'

The word is here 'SEA'.You all know A B C D right. so this is 'C' (Sea) Pronunciation in this one is 'C'. What I am trying to stress on that is sound 'C' 'स' (S) sound is same so here 'Sea'.
'SHE' (शोले वाला 'श' Alright!) This is 'श' 'SH'.
The position of your tongue. Let's see how can we speak it out. 'SH' 'श' mouth is open and your tongue is between your teeths on both of the side. So the pronunciation comes. The sound comes 'श' ('SH'). And when your tongue is touching lower section of teeth so the sound comes 'स' ('S'). The mouth is bit open. The tongue is touching lower teeth Alright! so the sound comes 'S' 'स' Alright! Practice it. Definitely, it will improve. So 'SEA' and 'SHE'

Next are 'SIP' and 'SHIP'

'SIP' - I am having a sip f tea.
That sip. Again 'S' ('स').
'SHIP' - Water ship that is 'SH' ('श')

Next are 'SELL' and 'SHELL'

'SELL' - I sell my books. (I sold my books. Because I thought that I can learn English with my teacher better. No that's a bad thing you should read books also.) 'SELL' again this one of sound 'S' ('स'). You are touching your tongue lower teeth.
'SHELL' - If we see inside the sea there we found little white stones and we get lots of things in that water. So that's 'SHELL'. Small pieces of white stone we find in the ocean, sea or anywhere in the water. This is known as that 'SHELL'.

Next are 'CLASS' and 'CLASH'

'CLASS' - This is a class Alright!
'CLASH' - Conflict between the two people. When two people don't get agree. So that is called they are having clash. The thoughts of those two are not matching. Their thoughts are clashing. So again pronunciation is coming 'SH' ('श'). Tongue between your teeth.

Next are 'SEAT' and 'SHEET'

'SEAT' - wherever you sit. That place where you sit. That is your seat.
'SHEET' - Sheet peace of a paper. That is called 'SHEET'. Okay! 'S' and 'SH' ('स' and 'श')

Pick some few words in this manner and speak correctly. Let's take an example and I'm going to give you a sentence which will be carrying a lot of 'S' 'स' and 'SH' 'श' again and again in the same sentence. And I bet to you if you are going to practice this sentence if your 'S' and 'SH' placing wrong on your tongue. You are going to improve it like anything. I can bet you but the practice is must.
Slowly you read this sentence "SHE WAS SELLING SEA SHELLS BY THE SEA SHORE"  I do you a favour. I tell you the meaning of this. SHE WAS SELLING - वह बेच रही थी, There is a girl and she was selling वो कुछ बेच रही थी. What? SEA SHELLS. We have just discussed 'SHELLS' the small white stones that we get in the water or ocean or sea. SHELLS BY THE SEA SHORE - समुन्द्र के किनारे, SHORE is the area the bay of a sea okay! So the girl was selling something, there is a girl - एक लड़की है जोकि शेल्स सेल कर रही है समुन्द्र के किनारे। That is the meaning of the sentence. So again we'll take a repetition - 'SHE WAS SELLING SEA SHELLS BY THE SEA SHORE' ('शी वाज सेलिंग शी शेल्स बाय शी शोर'). How many times there are 'S' 'स ' and 'SH' 'श' in this. Imagine if you do correct with the sentence. You are no never going to repeat your mistakes. The correct pronunciation of the sentence and the frequency level should be - 'she was selling sea shells by the sea shoers'  Exactly. (If you would practice many times you would hear exactly right) Never ever clashing any 'S' 'स' and 'SH' 'श' with each other. (End it you'll hear clearly) I'll repeat it again "SHE WAS SELLING SEA SHELLS BY  THE SEA SHOERS". So the time we are going to touch this level of the pronunciation of this sentence. I bet you never ever you are going to commit the mistakes.

One more sentence I'm giving you where are 'S' ('स') is following 'SH' ('श'). Okay! Two times The Pronunciation, The Sound, The 'S' sound is following the 'SH' sound in one same sentence (जो 'स' का साउंड है वो 'श' को फॉलो कर रहा है एक ही सेंटेंस में). That is "SHE SAW A SHINING STAR"  (कई बार जब 'श' के बाद अचानक से 'स' आता है या ''के बाद अचानक से 'श' आता है इन ए सेंटेंस)  Sometimes when suddenly 'S' comes after 'SH' or 'SH' comes after 'S' in a sentence, so have you noticed that your tongue gets twisted. It is wrong. It actually creates a bad impression. So do practice this sentence also where 'S' ('स')  is following 'SH' ('श')  and 'S' ('स')  is again following 'SH' ('श')  two times at the same place. "SHE SAW A SHINING STAR". She saw a shining star in the sky. If you wish you can do it.

This was the lesson about speaking 'S' ('स') and 'SH' ('श') in the right manner. Do practice. It is must. I have tried a lot. And if you are not going to try you will cry.


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