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6 Simple Secrets To Improve Your Public Speaking Skill

Hi, In our life several time occurs when we need to speak among the people. That is considered a public speaking skills. There are public speaking can be in your professional life related to your personal life. Suppose if you have to speak among the people just to congratulate someone regarding their wedding or any professional achievement. That is also about facing the audience. It means you are performing a public speaking or it may be regarding your professional life giving a presentation in your office. That is also about the public speaking. So before you attempt for this you have to be sound in few of the public speaking skills. And that we are going to discuss about in this session. So lets get started and see what view I have for you.

Don't Practice right up to the speech.

Fist one what I found is important 'Don't practice right up to the speech.' If you are going to deliver a speech at 12:30. So till the last minute that is 12:29 or 12:25 you keep on practising. Do you think that what it is going to happened with you if you keep on practising till the last movement? It increases the level of anxiety in you. Because you are not sure. You are not very well prepared about the speech you are going to deliver. So when you do till the last movement of your speech. It is actually not going to do well during the performance. Stop doing this. Don't make it.

Do Keep Things Simple.

Next one is 'Do keep things simple.' It means when you have prepared the content of your public speaking. So focus on the construction of the sentence. It should be simple. The delivery should be simple. The words you have used in your content should be simple. Don't feel like it should be over constructive. Alright! The construction should be smart enough Alright! So once you are using the simple kind of approach, simple words and simple sentences. It is easy for you also to speak and it is actually much easy for the audience to listen & understand. So keep the things simple when you are performing in public. 

Don't Be Overexcited Instead Use The Words.

Next one 'Don't be overexcited instead use the words.' In the duration of your public speaking. What you do the time comes when there are an expression. Like you need to be overexcited, You are overjoyed. So what we do? We just perform in that manner. We stretch our eyes or we lose too much or we blow our hand here and there. Stop doing this. What you can use? Instead of this, you can use words to show your expression. Words like: It was amazing. I felt fantastic. Alright! Or It was great Or It was wonderful. So by using these words, you can actually pour your expression or feeling. But if you are showing very much excitement on your face or through your body language. It is not appropriate or not excepted well when you are performing in public. 

Don't Loose The Order Of Your Speech.

Coming to next 'Don't loose the order of your speech.' When you are preparing before the performance. You definitely have made a hierarchy or the order of your speech: point one, point two, point three whatever the conversation we are going to do even. So once you loose the order, Once you skip the order or forget the order. What happens? It makes you stop. So keep on practising or keep it in your mind fix that what is the right order of your speech. If you remember the right order so your speech is very much smooth or in the flow. So "Don't loose the right order of your speech." 

Be Yourself, Don't Copy.

Next one what I feel is very important that is 'Be yourself, don't copy.' When you have thought to deliver a speech among the people so definitely you must have a huge influence of someone. Suppose you must have heard Steav Jobs speaking among the people, delivering his public speech. So you are very much impressed with him. All he may have like any great Bollywood actor or actresses or great politician who must be doing well as a public speaker. So what you try somewhere you are carrying the shadow of that person and you are trying to deliver your speech in the same manner. Because you are not good enough in that way. So what happens that you loose your own approach also because you are not able to copy them also proper. And just because you have not practice your own manner so you loose your own proper beautiful approach and identity in delivering the good speech. So it's better that just look at their confidence not that how they are moving or how the words delivery are there. Don't copy them properly. So be your self. Use your natural approach. Use your spontaneous approach to deliver your speech. 

Don't Fall In Love With Your Own Voice.

The last one is 'Don't fall in love with your own voice.' What happens right from the begging till the end you are started well you are doing good. When it is time to finish definitely you have set a landmark that this movement I have to finish my speech Or 30 minutes or 15 minutes is the time duration when I have to over my speech. So what happens just because you keep on loving your own voice, you keep own loving your own content that you are delivering. So just because you are very much lost in yourself. You just go more then it is required. So don't fall in the love of your own voice. Just keep it in your mind that what the content is there, how much time I have to take and finish it exact when it is required. 

So these were the beautiful tips you have to keep in your mind just to polish yourself achieving a good public speaking skills. Do follow it.😊


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