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How to use AIN'T in English

Hi Friends, Presenting a new English lesson today. Learning a new word. In this lesson, we will learn a new word and will learn its use. The word is ain't. So ain't in English language is a very versatile word. 'Versatile word' means that the meaning of this word (ain't) keep changing according to the demand of the situation of that sentence. This word doesn't carry its own existence or meaning. Alright! So introducing the few facts of this word we will see how does it happen. Alright! 

First, ain't is a negative word. And it is used by its meanings in different manners. We can use ain't in one sentence when the purpose is am not, are not, is not, how not, has not, do not, does not and did not It means all these helping verbs and axillary verbs which carry not with them. On which place they are being used, at the same place we can speak or write the word ain't. Yes, the single word carries all these senses in the sentences. Which is depend according to the demand of sentence that which tense is this, what situation is this, or which segment of time. According to that we will use ain't word or 'am not' (example)word at its place. I have mentioned few sentences to clear it more. Alright! Very carefully pay attention towards them: 

I ain't prefer to have coffee. 
I do not prefer to have coffee. 

I ain't preparing food for you.
I am not preparing food for you. 
(Helping verb is change according to the situation as we saw earlier)

She ain't friendly with me. 
She is not friendly with me.
(Again! Different axillary verb or helping verb)

He ain't taught the lesson. 
He has not taught the lesson.

I ain't done anything.
I have not done anything.
(मैंने कुछ नहीं किया है।) 

So ain't is a substitute. It is a construction of all these negative words which carry helping verb. And by a lot of dictionaries, this word has been announced as a slang also. Earlier this word was not in formal conversation or written language. But just because of its popularity it has been introduced a proper English word. as well as a slang also in English communication. So in this way, I ain't going to warn again and again if you ain't studying hard for your examination.😊 


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