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Useful English Phrases For Daily Use

Hi there, Today I'm going to serve you few beautiful English phrases. Which are very useful for your daily conversation. So let's get started and see what they are:

First One: Figure Out

Figure Out means find out something and then solve it. In everyday routine, there are lots of time occurs when we say I am trying to know what's happening there. (मैं जानने की कोशिश कर रही हुँ की क्या चल रहा है।) So I'm trying to figure it out what's running there Or what's going on there. It means that I have a curiosity to know about something. If there is anything wrong I will solve it up. So 'Figure Out' means that you fight a particular problem and then you solve it. That is very much curious. Alright! That is all about Figure Out.

Second One: Once In A While

Next one is Once In A While. Means sometimes Or often Or not very much time. If I'm being asked do you go for movies. I'll say Once in a while. (क्या आप मूवी जाते रहते है? और आप कहते है नहीं, कभी कभी जाते है।) So this reply can be considered in English Once in a while. Once in a while means here is sometimes we go. 
Do you study English every day? No Mam Once In A While😊. That's why you are not able to speak very fluently. So Once in a While is denoting Sometimes or it means that you are not very much regular with the task you are doing Alright! That's what all about Once In A While.

Third One: As Far As

The third one is As Far As. It denotes the meaning To the extent. (In Hindi we say जहा तक मुझे पता है वो ज्यादा फ्रीक्वांट हमारे घर नहीं आता।) As far as I know, he doesn't visit our home regularly. So that is what it is in English. As far as I'm concerned about my salary I don't know how much the organisation is going to pay me I'm not sure about it. (जहा तक मेरा ख्याल है कंपनी मुझे कितनी सैलरी देने वाली है मुझे नहीं पता।) As far as I know, my neighbour, he is not carrying a helping nature. That is what As far as

Fourth One: As Soon As

Next word is As Soon As. That denotes the meaning when/Just after/Quickly. As soon as you reach your home do call me. (जैसे ही आप घर पहुँच जाओ मुझे कॉल करना।) Alright! Call me my from my room as soon as the dinner is ready. That is what When is. (जैसे ही डिनर बन जाए मुझे बुला लेना। ) Alright! As soon as you talk to your friend do inform me. Alright! So that is what As soon As

Fifth One: As Well As 

Next one As well As. Which denotes the English substitute of In addition to. (In Hindi we say आज मैं डिनर में पास्ता बणाउगि और साथ ही कस्टर्ड भी। Alright!) So I'm adding custard along with pasta in my dinner. Both are very delicious and I love it very much. So I'm going to prepare pasta in my dinner as well as custard too. I'm going for shopping and I'll buy a shirt as well as a tie too. So I'm adding a tie along with the shirt.Alright! I'm studing English as well as math too. So here you are adding one thing along with the another. That's what As Well As

Sixth One: As Long As

Now As Long As. Sometimes we create confusion using this ways. It carries two meaning, First one is If  (That means अगर in Hindi) and next one is Until (That means जब in Hindi). Taking an example, you can stay here as long as you have money. (आप यहां पर रुक सकते है जब तक आपके पास money है।) Which is Until. You can work in this organisation As long as you feel comfortable. (जब तक आपको कम्फर्टेबले फील होता है आप हमारी आर्गेनाईजेशन के साथ जॉब कंटीन्यू कर सकते हो।) If we take If . That is As long as. I will take you out for the dinner as long as you promise me that you are going to study hard. Or another example I'm going to tell you, As long as you are going to study hard for your English I promise you that I will pay few more hours in terms of teaching. That is what this one. 

So in this way we have used all these Phrases which are very common expression. That we explain or that we show in our daily routine. So next time once you are explaining. Again do use all these phrases. It will be very beautiful in your English communication. Do practice it. 


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