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Showing posts from April, 2020

Difference Between Speak Talk & Tell

Hi there! In English language, there are some words that carry the same meaning. Almost the same meaning. But create a great confusion that where should we use them in conversation. So today I have picked the word Talk, Speak and Tell. All three words carry almost the same meaning. They are very much near with one another in their meaning. But sometimes they are used at a different places when we make a communication. Suppose if I am telling you. 'I need to talk to you' Or ' I need to speak to you.' So both are correct. We can use 'talk' at the place of 'speak' and the word 'speak' at the place of 'talk' also. It does not create a huge difference. Almost they are same. But if few sentences actually they are different in few senses somewhere. They deliver the different messages that we need to understand how, where and when exactly. 'Talk' is considered a less formal word. For an example by saying a less formal word, 'I am

Pronunciation of S/SH

Hi, Friends Today we will learn something about the pronunciation. About something we speak, but sometimes we speak wrong. It's 'स'- 'S' in English but 'स' in Hindi and 'SH' in English but 'श' in Hindi. Suppose anybody is having the name 'Mrs Shrma (शर्मा)' and you are calling her 'Miss Srma (सर्मा)'. Awkward right! Or For Example, she is 'Mrs Singh (सिंह)' and you are calling 'Mrs Shing (शिंग)'. Too Ocward! We commit mistakes. So many people I have seen that they commit mistake pronouncing 'S as SH' and pronouncing 'SH as S'. ( गलती करते है 'स को श' बोलने में और 'श को स' बोलने मे। ) Few words are given here we will practice and we will try. I'll help you out to try that what position of your tongue and mouth should be there that you'll be able to pronounce the word correctly Alright! That it sounds correct way.   Let's try!     'SEA' and 'SHE' T

Build Your Vocabulary

Friends, We are going to learn that how can we improve over vocabulary. Alright! I would like to ask you one thing that once we are going to learn English and we are in the beginning stage. So what we need all to speak good English? We need so many beautiful sentences to speak. But before sentences, it is all about having lots of words in our bag that will be helpful to construct the sentences. So the initial stage is planing a good English. Having lots of words in your mind Alright! Which is your natural dictionary that you carry every time. So here I will introduce you with few remedies because definitely learning vocab learning words is a problem itself that we consider. So that's why I will introduce you with few remedies that are going to definitely help you out in this problem. Use The Practical Words                                So first thing or first method that I want you to let you know that is, use the practical words. Means relate yourself with those things t

How To Overcome Fear Of Public Speaking

Hi, Here we are going to discuss how can we deal with public speaking anxiety. When we say public speaking it means that you have to speak for the people, among the people and before the people. Now you are having people around you. And you just get scared that whether I'll be successful in speaking the right thing in the right manner or not. And this feeling increases your anxiety level to higher and higher. So here I am going to provide you with few tips that will definitely help you out in lowing down your anxiety level of public speaking. The First One: Memories Your First Three Lines! Memories your first three lines! In your speech, it      is essential that the first three lines of the speech should be fixed in your mind. If you are going to give a presentation in your office and you are starting with, "Its a wonderful opportunity I have received to give my presentation before you. And I will try to explain each of my points in an accessible manner. And definitel

Daily Use Phrases

Hi, In this post I am going to make you learn a few proverbs which are very useful for your daily conversation or daily English conversation. Because it somewhere relates to the few situations of your life. And if you give its reference or speak it out so you seem smarter. Alright! So here I introduce you with: The First One: A Hungry Belly Has No Ears Here I would like to mention that A 'Belly' means 'Stomach'. Suppose if I am hungry. I need to eat something.  So I cannot pay the attention towards any job or any work.  For Example, "I am starving and you are asking me to do your work or you are asking me to come out with you".  Or "I am very much hungry I forgot my lunch at my home and my boss has assigned me a big huge job. I am really sorry if I'm starving or if I'm hungry so cannot speak louder. My voice would not be clear to you." So that's why this proverb means a lot. The Second One: Action Speaks Louder Than Words N

How To Speak English Fluently And Confidently

Friends, have you ever tried to figure it out that if you are good at reading, writing and listening English. Well, so why can't you speak English fluently and confidently?      Yes! I will reveal you the reason. Because once you read-write or listen to, everything happens between two people. Both are you. It's only you know what you are exactly doing. But once it's come to speaking the English language. There are more witnesses who are noticing what you exactly do; If you are using the correct pronunciation, If the sentence is right, If you are good at it etc.      So you just try to be fluent with your language. Once you are not able to succeed in this area. What you do; you just commit a few mistakes. So before I go very much on the floor. I want to introduce to you that what the 'fluency' exactly means? What you understand that 'Fluent English' means?                   Suppose if I am speaking in a rapid manner that, "I will get up very early in

English Speaking Practice

Once you are going through the learning phase of English speaking. So what happens you collect a lot of English material in your bag and so much English content in your mind. Just because you are not properly arranged in your practice you cannot brush up your skills. So I am going to introduce you a few important tools that may help you in the right manner and discipline of your practice: The First One is: Find A Partner This is the easy one. Just search around you who is better in English Speaking or who is sharing the same platform in English speaking. And decide whenever you both are meeting you will make your conversation only in English that is going to help you in your practice. The Second One is: Speak With Yourself Loudly Once there is no one around you and you are reading something and suppose you are not reading. Just speak with yourself in English in a loud manner. So that, your own words will fall in your ears and you will be able to understand that where you ar